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A unique experience among Gucci boutiques opens in London.
In its new setting in the city, the House reflects upon the location’s precise origins as an art gallery opened in 1913. Today, Gucci brings a special curation by Truls Blaasmo focusing on Italian artists and themes of geometry, primary colors, and a relationship with text. Spanning mediums as well as eras, the works of Alighiero Boetti, Agostino Bonalumi, Matilde Cassani, Simon Callery, Pietro Consagra, Valerio Eliogabalo Torrisi, Tim Etchells, Lucio Fontana, Anna Franceschini, Franco Mazzucchelli, Liliana Moro, Jonny Niesche, Martino Santori, Yves Scherer, Massimo Uberti, and Joshua Woolford boldly animate the historic spaces, including a restored Tudor Room displaying pieces from the Gucci Archive.

The Gucci New Bond Street is also notable as the location of the latest Gucci Salon, the House’s ultimate luxury destination for clientele by invitation only.
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The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street

The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street
  • Matilde Cassani, Tutto, 2019
  • Courtesy of the Artist, Milan
The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street
  • Lucio Fontana, Concetto spaziale, Attese, 1967
  • Courtesy of Tornabuoni Arte © Fondazione Lucio Fontana by SIAE 2023
The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street

Liliana Moro, Àncóra, 2016
Courtesy of Nicoletta Fiorucci Collection

The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street
  • Jonny Niesche, Scarlet Vision, 2023
  • Courtesy of the Artist and The Hole, New York
The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street
  • Alighiero Boetti, Mettere i verbi all’infinito (Putting Verbs in the Infinitive), 1988
  • Courtesy of Larkin Erdmann Fine Art
The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street
  • Pietro Consagra, Ferro trasparente bianco I and Ferro trasparente viola scuro, 1966
  • Courtesy of a private collection, Milan © Pietro Consagra, by SIAE 2023
The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street
  • Anna Franceschini, Red Operator n.1, 2023
  • Courtesy of the Artist, Milan
The Gucci New Bond Street boutique opens with a special curation of artworks.New Bond Street

Joshua Woolford, “and you say you never met the devil?”, 2023
Courtesy of the Artist, London

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