Gucci handbags for women mix signature lines with diverse designs like totes, top handles, shoulder bags and belt bags in leather and precious materials.
In post-war 1947, when traditional materials were difficult to find, Guccio Gucci and the House’s Florentine artisans decided to use the lightweight, durable bamboo for the handle of a new bag, forging an instant emblem.
In post-war 1947, when traditional materials were difficult to find, Guccio Gucci and the House’s Florentine artisans decided to use the lightweight, durable bamboo for the handle of a new bag, forging an instant emblem.
Reflective of its era, the bamboo handle tote was first presented by the House in the early 1990s. Speaking to the narrative of evolution and reinvention that runs through Gucci’s designs, the bag is reimagined with neon leather belts —a nod to the functional bands that once came with the original bag to maintain the shape of the handles.
Reflective of its era, the bamboo handle tote was first presented by the House in the early 1990s. Speaking to the narrative of evolution and reinvention that runs through Gucci’s designs, the bag is reimagined with neon leather belts —a nod to the functional bands that once came with the original bag to maintain the shape of the handles.
A signature Gucci handbag line known for its curved half-moon shape and signature hardware, the Jackie is reimagined by the Creative Director for the Fall Winter 2020 Men's fashion show.
A signature Gucci handbag line known for its curved half-moon shape and signature hardware, the Jackie is reimagined by the Creative Director for the Fall Winter 2020 Men's fashion show.
Taken from the archives, the double ring and bar design defines the Gucci Horsebit 1955's line of handbags, totes, bucket bags and shoulder bags.
Taken from the archives, the double ring and bar design defines the Gucci Horsebit 1955's line of handbags, totes, bucket bags and shoulder bags.